Sinon, il y a ça : ... ass-book-1
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 - The World of the Sandglass 1
The Geography of the Sandglass - A Gazetteer 2
The Gods of the Sandglass 7
Chapter 2 - The Peoples of the Sandglass 10
The Jann 11
The Kedai 12
Largomani 13
Adventuring Classes 14
Equipment 16
Chapter 3 - A Sandglass Bestiary 18
The Jinni 18
Monsters 25
Chapter 4 - Treasures of the Sandglass 31
Coins 31
Gemstones 32
Magical Items 34
Chapter 5 - Kalabad - The Crown of the East 36
Citizens of Kalabad 36
Religion in Kalabad 38
Keepers of the Law in Kalabad 38
Locations in Kalabad 39
Commerce in Kalabad 40
Security Measures 41
Kalabad Encounter Tables 43
Kalabad Story Hooks 44
The House of The Robbers 44
Chapter 6 - Adventures in Miniature 48
The Cave of the Crocodile God 48
The Hidden Redoubt of the Slayers 50
The Lair of the Mad Sorcerer 52
Chapter 7 - Isolated Ruins 55
The Ruined Shrine of the Serpent Cult 55
The Arena of the Ancients 60
The Temple of Manifold Statues 64
Chapter 8 - The Cave of Wonders 70
The Blue Sha’ir and his Henchmen 77
A Three Way Confrontation 81
Chapter 9 - Inspiration